9 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

Let’s be honest, a lot of us set ourselves up for failure with our New Years resolutions. So, I’m here to give you some achievable New Year’s resolutions ideas that you can make work 🙂 Here are some suggestions for you to choose. You should try and pick just a few instead of all of them because that would not be achievable haha.
1. Take better care of your teeth.

This is one for me every year! I feel like we can always take better care of our teeth, whether that’s brushing more, flossing more or using mouth wash. Something to help with this resolution is to leave out your floss. If you see it your more likely to use it. Also, try and make flossing a habit when you brush your teeth.

achievable New Year's resolutions
2. Eat better/eat out less.

This is probably one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. Some tips for this one would be to meal plan so when you go grocery shopping you only get what you need. When grocery shopping try to stay out of the isles. On the outside of the store you have fruit and veggies, bread, meat, and fish. Also, if you have plans for supper your less likely to eat out but unfortunately, this is more of a will power thing you need to work on (I know I do).

achievable New Year's resolutions
3. Sleep better.

I am the worst sleeper so this is a must for me! Some ideas are to try reading before bed, staying away from cell phones and TV’s and something I haven’t tried but really want to is a sleeping spray! I’ve heard lots of great things about them but have never actually tried it.

4. Save money.

This one is actually easier than you think. If you look up saving money for a New Year’s resolution, there are so many different one’s planned out for you on how much to put away weekly to save $500 or $1000 or more and then you have that extra money at the end of the year!

5. Keep a clean house.

This one I want to do better at, there was a short time when I did a few dishes everyday and it barely took my anytime and the kitchen felt so much cleaner! I also, would like to stay on top of laundry, such as putting it away as soon as it’s done in the dryer. I am getting better at this but I still want to improve. There’s a lot of little things we can do to improve this.

6. Drink more water.

This is a great one that I think we can all benefit from. I feel like I drink a good amount of water but I’m pretty sure I still don’t drink enough. I’ve heard great things about the water bottles that track your drinking so you know your getting enough. (click photo below for more information) I have an old one that tracks it but it leaks so I don’t really use it anymore haha.

7. Read more.

I love books and I love reading but I just don’t make enough time for it. My boyfriend Johnny bought me a Kindle for Christmas so hopefully that will help push me to read more 🙂

achievable New Year's resolutions
achievable New Year's resolutions
achievable New Year’s resolutions
8. Take better care of your skin.

I get a little lazy and don’t take the best care of my skin. I just need to clean my face more often and I know I’ll thank myself for it in the long run. I currently use Biore face wash and I really like it, would definitely recommend.

9. Workout more.

This is probably the most common New Years resolution! I think the way to make yourself succeed with this resolution is to just improve. If you don’t workout, try to work out once a week. Improvements is all you need, having a resolution to become fit in 2018 can easily set yourself up for failure even if you have made improvements.

Hope this gave you some achievable New Year’s resolutions ideas! Please pick some achievable resolutions that you can complete and have a great 2018 🙂




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  1. I love this kind of post! Great resolutions!- https://sophiehearts.net x

    1. Same! Thank you 🙂

  2. Love this! Great resolutions, I have some of these on my list as well

    1. Thank you 🙂 Yes most of them are very common haha

  3. Nice list Brianna. Definitely drink more water and workout more are my list.
    Happy new year:)

    1. Both very beneficial 🙂 Happy New Year!

  4. Love these tips! They’re small changes that can have a really positive impact on you and your life!xx

    1. Yes definitely worth it 🙂

  5. Thank you for sharing these ideas! I definitely need to take better care of my teeth – I never floss, so that’s something that I really need to do. Also, I need to work on keeping a clean room and drinking way more water than I do already. You’re right in that the smaller the goals are the more manageable they are and the less likely you are to give up. I’ll keep these in mind! x

    Alicia | https://www.alifestyleblog.co.uk

    1. Yes flossing is a big one for me! I always forget unfortunately. The small goals are the ones that you can achieve and will make you feel more accomplished when you do 🙂

  6. Eating out less is a great resolution-it can definitely help with eating more healthy and save money! Great post! x

    1. Ya a double positive with just one thing 🙂

  7. Wishing you luck in achieving all of these goals! I love that they are things that are reasonable and totally doable! 🙂


    1. Thank you 🙂 Good luck to you as well!

  8. I love these kind of posts! Hope you achieve all your goals x

    1. Thank you 🙂

  9. I love Biore too! I’m currently using the Baking Soda Pore Cleanser. It’s really good, I just wouldn’t recommend anyone using it if they have sensitive skin.

    1. Cool! I’ve never head of that before!

  10. Taking better care of my skin and teeth are definitely on my list too!
    Let us know how you get on during the year, I’d love to find out! xx

    The Frugal Frenchie

    1. I will for sure make an update post 🙂 Thank you for reading!

  11. You have some great resolutions. I think a lot of them are really important especially looking after your health, eating well and sleeping well. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes for sure, I really want to improve my health 🙂

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