20 best phone apps, How To Stay Motivated To Achieve Your Goals

20 Best Phone Apps

There are endless apps out there for your phone. There’s games, social medias, workout apps, and so much more. In this post I’m going to let you know the apps that I use the most and the ones that I think are the best.


The first app I love is Instagram. This is an obvious one. I have a lot of people that I like to follow on there and I’ve been finding a lot of amazing bloggers to follow as well. If you want to check out my Instagram you can do that here.


Pinterest is definitely an underrated app. What a lot of people don’t know is that Pinterest is more of a search engine so your followers don’t matter as much. I’ve learned so much about Pinterest since I started my blog. If you want to learn about how to get tons of views from Pinterest you can learn about that here.


I also, have the Facebook app on my phone of course. I honestly use Facebook more for the funny videos that are shared on my timeline than anything else. Another reason I like to use the Facebook app is to check on my Facebook Blogger Group. The group is meant to help each other learn about blogging and to grow our blogs together. At the time I’m writing this we are getting so close to 500 members! If you want to join you can do that here.


Twitter is another app that I love to use. It’s of course used for all the normal ways you use Twitter. I actually just made a blog post on how to use Twitter to benefit your blog so you can read that if you want here. I also love to use Twitter for it’s search page as it always has tons of news on it and whats going on. It’s actually a great way to be in the know of what’s going on in the world right now.


This next one is actually the app I use to edit all my picture for my blog and Instagram. It’s so simple to use and I can make some great changes really quick so I can finish everything I need to do in a small amount of time.


Countdown is just a simple countdown app I seem to always be using. I use it to countdown events or trips and I love to go back and check it so I can keep getting excited for my upcoming events.


Yummly is an app I’ve been using for a few years now. It’s a recipe app that has lots of recipes from the internet that you can search for and save to your page in categories of supper, dessert, etc. I also love that you can search for a recipe with just an ingredient. So for example if you bought ground turkey and aren’t sure what to make it with you can search just ground turkey and tons of recipes will come up with ground turkey in them.


Shazam is a really cool app I’ve been using for years now. If you’re listening to a song on the radio or in a movie or something you can open the app and it will listen to the song and tell you what it is. I’ve used this so many time so I think it would be really helpful for anyone to get on their phone.


YouTube is a no brainer app as well. There are so many people that I love to watch on YouTube and I’m always discovering more. I like to just put on a quick YouTube video while I’m doing something and catch up on my favorites anytime I can.


Spotify is actually quite new to me. I’ve been using it a lot recently especially at work instead of listening to the radio with all the commercials. This is also how I’ve discovered a lot of my now favorite songs and artists. Spotify has so many great playlist so I definitely recommend checking it out.


Netflix is another must have app on my phone. I sometimes watch Netflix on my phone for my lunch break at work. Also, not all airplanes today have TV’s on them and I swear I always end of with the one that doesn’t work anyway haha. They are touch screen and I’ve tried to turn the volume down and it was so off that it paused my movie. Definitely not easy to use when that happens. In these cases I usually just end up downloading movies and TV shows on Netflix before my flight so I will always have something to watch.


C25K is an app to teach you how to do a 5K. I’ve been using it since the spring and it definitely works! I’ve never been a runner but now I’m doing so much better than before and I’m not exhausted after trying to run anymore. I’m so happy I started using this app so if you’re wanting to train for a 5K and you have no running experience this is definitely the app for you.

Skip the Dishes

Skip the dishes is definitely a weakness app for me. If you don’t know it’s a food delivery app. It definitely gets more use from me in the winter when it’s -30C outside and I’m starving but don’t want to leave my house to get food haha.


Duolingo is an app I’ve been using on and off for years now. It’s an app to teach you new languages which is something I really want to do. I obviously speak English and I was also in French all through school. I use the app to help keep up on my French so I don’t loose it as I don’t use it in my daily life. I’m also using it to learn Spanish. Spanish and French are actually similar so it’s definitely easier when some words I need to learn turn out to be the same in French. I would definitely recommend this app. Especially if you’re planning on traveling somewhere that speaks a language you don’t know. This could help you even in simple ways like reading a menu or finding a bathroom.

World Geography

World geography is actually a new app I recently started using. I never took a geography class in school but I want to learn more about the world. I’ve only just started this app but so far I think it’s really great.

All trails

All trails is an app I’ve used mostly when I’m in the mountains to find the type of hike I’m looking for. However, it also has tons of trails right in Edmonton so I should definitely use it more often when I’m home.


Spades is just a card game on your phone. I like that it’s a team game and you can play with the computer or real people.


Uber is a must. A great invention to minimize drinking and driving. I love that it just charges your account and it’s a fixed rate. I once used a cab to take me home from work which is mostly just highways and he was taking me through subdivisions to drive up the price… It’s safe to say I was very mad haha. I haven’t used a cab since, only Uber for me from now on.


1010 is actually a game I’ve had on my phone since I was in high school haha so at least 5 years! This is a simple game where you add your blocks to the squares and if you have a complete vertical or horizontal line that line will all disappear. You have to try to get as many points as you can because you will loose if you have a block to place and no space to put it.

Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is probably an obvious game for most people. I haven’t played it in a little while but it’s one of those games you can easily come back to. I also love that you have to get outside to play this game. You can’t just sit at home on your phone.

And those are all my favorite phone apps. I’m always looking for some great new apps to try out so leave your favorites below in the comments and I will check them out.

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  1. Some apps I’ve not heard of here. I gave all the social media ones. I also use lightroom yo edit pictures, Canva to create my pin images and hootsuite for scheduling my tweets.

    1. Those are great apps too 🙂

  2. I have many of these apps, but am always leery of loading up my iPhone with too many…they end up getting lost in the shuffle… great list!

    1. I definitely loose apps on my phone too 😛

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