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Why it’s important to post on your Instagram Stories
Everyone knows it’s important to post on your Instagram feed and everyone is learning how important it is to post reels but not everyone knows how important it is to post on your Instagram stories.
Posting on your regular feed is what everyone does and how Instagram started. Posting on your reels is what Instagram is pushing and is a great way to grow your following. However, posting on your stories is how you connect with your current followers. This is where your followers can really get to know you and is also a great place to engage with them.
Another great reason to post on your Instagram story is because you can include links in your story. So, if you have a website, are part of affiliate companies or are selling your own products Instagram stories is a good way to promote this.
How to grow your Instagram story views
Now that you know Instagram story views are so important, you’re probably wondering how to increase the views of your stories, and I have three quick tips for how you can achieve this.
The first tip is to post consistently. This may seem like a simple task but it’s actually harder than it seems to post multiple stories a day, everyday, and keep on up on it consistently. The reason posting consistently is important is because Instagram will put your stories closer to the beginning of the dashboard with your new stories. So, this helps to get seen more and therefore getting more views.
The second tip is to post using a call to action in your story. An example of a call to action is a question, the sliding bar, polls, and quiz. The reason these are important to use is because if people are engaging with your stories Instagram takes that as those viewers like your stories and will show them to more of your followers.
My third tip is to use Instagram story templates like the Christmas Instagram story templates I have for you. If you’re using similar templates and cool designs it will make you look more professional and you can also use some fun templates to keep your followers engaged and excited.
I also did do some tests on my Instagram stories to prove that these strategies worked. To learn more about the test I did and the results I got check out my post on how to grow your Instagram story views.
How to use these Christmas Instagram story templates
Now I want to teach you how to use these Christmas Instagram story templates. They are so easy to use. Upon purchase you will be sent a digital download of a PDF document that includes a Canva tutorial in case you’ve never used it before. There is also a link to each Canva template (only a free account is required). In the template you can change anything including the colors, font, and make it completely your own. Then, you can save your template as a photo and upload it to your Instagram story for your followers to view.
And that is all the information I have for you on these Christmas Instagram story templates. If you’re looking for even more Instagram story templates you can check out the other options I have on my Etsy shop. If you’re struggling with more aspects of Instagram check out my Instagram ebook as well.