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Plan Your Week
The first thing I like to do on my Sunday is to plan the week ahead. I like to be organized and know what’s coming in the days ahead so I can be prepared. I’m the type of person who likes to know what’s coming so if you’re like me, you should be planning your week as well. A great way to do this is with a planner or a journal. I actually have multiple and I use them all the time.
Organize Your Space
Another thing I like to do is organize my space if it’s needed. This can be anything from your clothing, messy drawers, bathroom cabinets, etc. If my space is messy then it affects my mental health. If my things are organized I feel better which is a great way to start out the week.
Meal Prep
One of my favorite Sunday habits for a productive week is to meal prep. This includes deciding what to eat for the week and preparing meals as well. I find it easier if I meal prep something healthy for lunches on a Sunday then trying to make them the night before I go to work. Also, planning out my suppers for the week is something I like to do so I can make sure I have everything I need for it.
Grocery Shop
I prefer to do my grocery shopping on Sunday. That way I can have everything I need for the week and don’t have to make an extra trip to the grocery store. Grocery shopping is not something I enjoy so that’s why I make sure we get it done on a Sunday and only need to go once a week.
Self Care
Another thing I love to do on a Sunday is self care. Some things I like to do is to take a bath, face masks, do a full skin care routine or anything else that I think will make me feel better and that my body will appreciated before the week ahead.
Another thing you can do on a Sunday is to make a budget. You can make a budget for the week, month or even the year. I like to do this every now and then to know what I’m making, what I’m spending on bills, and what I have leftover for savings and spending. For tips on saving money check out this port I made on saving your money for travel.
See Your Family
If you’re working a lot during the week it may be hard to find time to see your family. It’s important that you see your family often so you can try to see them on Sunday or maybe try to have Sunday dinners together so you know you’ll see them at least once a week.
Have Fun
I know it’s Sunday and there’s so much to get done but don’t forget to have fun. You need to enjoy your weekends as well as have fun before you have to go back to work.
I like to start my week with a clean house to make myself feel better during the week. I like to make sure the laundry and the dishes are done on Sunday. Another thing I like to do is to run the robot vacuum around as well. This won’t take up the entire day but it makes a difference.
Set Weekly Plans
Another thing you can do on your Sunday is to set weekly plans. This can be activities you’ll be trying to do weekly such as reading, bike riding, going to dinner with a friend, playing a sport, etc. Basically, anything you want to try and do on a weekly basis.
Plan Weekly Workouts
Another great idea is to plan your weekly workouts. I personally workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. So, on Sunday I can plan what I want to do for my workouts on those days. I also like to try and get a couple walks in during the week so I can also check the weather and plan for the days I would like to go for a walk.
Get Rest
On Sunday we like to get everything we can get done before the work week but it’s important to take time to rest as well. The work week can often get busy and overwhelming so it’s important to make time for rest on your weekend as a bit of a reset.
And that’s my completed list of Sunday habits for a productive week. If you have anything else you like to do on a Sunday please let me know in the comments below.
I love the tips. I had never really thought about setting a budget for the week. What a great idea. I am going to give it a try. Thanks!
So glad you like the idea! It’s super helpful 🙂